Sunday, 24 February 2013

Dot Earth Blog: Exploring Climate Resilience and Energy Sense

I visited Los Angeles this week to discuss new approaches to environmental communication with students and faculty at the Institute of the Environment and Sustainability of the?University of California, Los Angeles. I also joined two of the university?s professors ? the climate scientist Alex Hall and the environmental historian Jon Christensen ? for an onstage Z?calo Public Square discussion of this question: ?Should we just adapt to climate change?? (The answer of course is?drumroll?no.)

I encourage you to watch the conversation above. I?ve had time to transcribe a few sections, which are appended below, but wanted first to summarize an important point made by Hall, who has been using models to project regional temperature shifts for the Los Angeles region.

Hall said that by mid-century the region may see 4 to 5 degrees F. of warming ? as well as more frequent stretches of dangerously hot summer days ? under a ?business as usual? emissions trajectory. But even in an idealized (i.e., impossible) future in which worldwide greenhouse-gas emissions were somehow deeply curtailed, the city would still see 70 percent of that warming. Only late in the century would the unabated gas buildup cause a much bigger regional heating.

A central take-home message, he said (and I agreed), is that adaptation to heat is a prime imperative even as the much tougher task of moving beyond conventional use of fossil fuels is pursued.

There were great questions on a host of fronts, with several attendees focusing on oil ? both through the debate over the proposed Keystone XL pipeline and the growing recognition that California, which for a century has been an oil producer, is poised for a huge expansion of drilling for both oil and natural gas in the state?s Monterey shale deposits.

Here?s part of what I said on Keystone:

On the Keystone fight, essentially I?ve been saying ? not quite to the extent Joe Nocera said in The Times a couple of days ago when he called the protests ?boneheaded,? which I think was not productive ? I have been among those who?ve said you look at the global oil market and you realize that as long as the oil price is somewhere around $100 a barrel we will be going to the ends of the Earth the dirtiest possible places, to get the last drop. Of course now we won?t have to because California is going to be the next shale oil bonanza. [There were boos, and I stressed I was merely noting the reality, not endorsing it.] Maybe the Alberta tar sands won?t look so attractive. What I?m saying is it?s high demand that drives the oil-extraction imperative. Until you start to do the things we?ve been talking about to cut demand, you can blockade a certain pipeline or whatever but that oil will out?. It?ll be Nigeria or the Arctic if it?s not Alberta. So that gets me in trouble. So there?s a lot of yelling. The whole climate debate for years has been this yelling match. ?Yelling Fire on a Hot Planet,? remember the piece I wrote in 2006.

As I did the other day, I described the excitement surrounding an engineering contest I judged this week in which middle-school students from around the country presented their sustainable and energy-smart urban designs:

On Monday, I was in Washington, D.C., at a meeting that was part of National Engineers Week and these young people from around the country ? middle school students ? came for the finals of this big Future City Competition. These kids had to build model cities, very detailed, with water catchment areas for storm water, water filtration, thinking about fire hazards. They were building Indian cities, some did a city in Norway, some did Phoenix. Instead of yelling, I heard cheering. It?s so great. It?s so much more powerful.

A question was posed about the extensive and decades-old oil fields in neighborhoods near the Culver City venue for the talk, and the prospect for hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, expanding there and elsewhere in the state.

I said the newly appreciated reality that oil and gas are here for decades to come required that President Obama step beyond his ?all of the above? energy strategy and craft policies that ensure we keep advancing post-fossil energy technologies and efficiency efforts:

Having cheap natural gas will impede both the build-out of renewable energy options and also basic science in energy. Obama said something very valuable early in his first term. He talked about a shock and trance energy policy in this country ? mainly focused on gasoline prices. But you can see that if energy prices, especially for natural gas, stay low for a long period of time, we?ll be back in a trance and the imperative for other tougher pushes, whether it?s a build-out of renewables, as Joe Romm would like, or much more R. and D., as I would like, it?s just going to be really hard to sustain that.

There?s plenty more, including a great question about making climate-friendly fuels using carbon dioxide captured from air, posed by 14-year-old Benji Fields (the son of a friend). (I wrote about one such concept a few years ago.) I know the rumors that the president has chosen Ernest Moniz of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to be his next energy secretary, but I mused that perhaps Benji had a shot.

If you see passages that excite or irk you, and have time, please include transcribed excerpts in your comments.


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