Well if you ask me lack of communication,unforgiveness,immaturity,weak mindset e.tc Tell me yours
sometimes it just comes down to something as simple as: YOU GOT WHAT YOU CAME FOR.
Pride and lack of understanding...
1. atrraction
2. communication
3. interests
4. dollar dollar bill yoooooo
attraction: The most basic part of any relationship is the fact that there is some sort of mutual attraction (physical, mental, cash etc)
communication: Boredom in relationships happen because you can't carry on a convo that is interesting ( this happens to most guys after sex )
interests: if you dont have similar interests or if you are not willing to embrace your GF/BF interests then the relationship is doomed
dollar dollar bill yooooo: self explanatory
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Lack of GOAL.
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Fear of the unknown!
Lies and lack of trust
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[color=#990000][/color]lack of trust
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I believe the key factor is noffin but the four strongest letter in the world "LOVE"
Any relationship that is not built on love will surfer a dash break up.
because if you love your spouse you will understand, tolerate, endure be patience in every situation...
2. If there's nothing to sustain the initial attraction, it dwindles gradually till it fades
3. Lack of common interest between the parties
4. if you haven't moved on from previous relationships
5. Lack of intimacy or too much intimacy
6. When either of the party are not honest about themselves.
7. When there's so much lies before the relationship solidifies.
8. Multi dating other people.
9. When there's so much focus on materialism especially on the part of the girl.
10. When both party are not on the same wave length/ have very little or no communication between them.
Lack of Beans
MRbrownJAY: sometimes it just comes down to something as simple as: YOU GOT WHAT YOU CAME FOR.But won't you want more?
Matrin: Lack of Beanschai what is that.hehehehehehe
Sharia law (in the North)
mouth odour (lmao!)
hairy armpits
empty wallet
***what am i even saying? ***
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Quick ejac!
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Some relationships won't just work no matter what effort u put into it.I have dated a girl for six years.Endured,made some unbelievable sacrifices but at long run,its gone down the drain .Relationship that is not founded on God. Will definately fail.
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misunderstanding,lie,double dating,lack of finance and laziness
anitank: 2inch joystickSo you like them big huh?
Lack of trust.
Source: http://www.nairaland.com/1056207/key-factors-short-lived-relationships
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