Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Judge Judy's son, a DA, embroiled in NY rape case

(AP) ? A suburban district attorney who is the son of TV's "Judge Judy" is being accused of interfering in a child rape case in which the suspect is his personal trainer.

Putnam County District Attorney Adam Levy has recused himself. But the local sheriff says Levy is still trying to influence, and perhaps undermine, the investigation.

Levy says he has acted properly and the sheriff's allegations are unfounded.

The two politicians have also argued over whether the suspect lived with Levy and whether Levy's recusal was his own idea.

The rape case is being prosecuted by the district attorney from neighboring Westchester County. A spokesman wouldn't say whether Levy would be questioned.

Levy's mother, Judy Sheindlin of "Judge Judy," says the investigation should focus on the rape case.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/4e67281c3f754d0696fbfdee0f3f1469/Article_2013-03-26-Judge%20Judy's%20Son/id-5fa1387bb2ed4e8380390f231af9ce94

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