Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Coalition will no longer publish attack figures

WASHINGTON (AP) ? The U.S.-led military command in Afghanistan has decided it will no longer publish figures on Taliban attacks, a week after acknowledging that it had incorrectly reported a 7 percent decline in such attacks last year.

A spokesman for the international coalition, Jamie Graybeal, said Tuesday that attacks observed by coalition forces will still be recorded, but the overall number will not be tallied or published online. Graybeal said the coalition's figures will become increasingly inaccurate because Afghans are conducting most combat operations.

Last week The Associated Press revealed that the coalition had determined that its original report of a 7 percent decline was wrong and that there actually was no decline at all for 2012. It blamed a clerical error.

Graybeal said the corrected 2012 figures will not be published.

Associated Press


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