Obesity ? The Plague Of Our Times
Obesity is a growing problem world over. It is the plague of our times.
- Obesity is the side-effect of the modern way of living, which includes sedentary lifestyle, tons of stress and unhealthy eating habits.
- Its incidence is growing world over and things will get even worse as more and more people are starting to live the modern way of life.
- It is extremely detrimental for one?s health as it is a major cause of hypertension, heart diseases and diabetes.
Obesity is a major health care problem in the Unites States. Over 30 billion dollars are spent each year in weight loss products and services. This fact alone is enough to prove that conventional methods such as diet and exercise are not working for the average American and such methods are unsuccessful in achieving desired weight loss. Even the nutritionists and personal trainers admit this fact and are recommending the use of dietary supplements, not only to fight obesity but to prevent and treat other health issues as well.
When it comes to using supplements the supreme choice of anyone are supplements which are totally natural and herbal. This is because many people feel intimidated by the FDA approved drugs due to their various side effects. One such products which is considered to be most effective and is used by millions of American?s to achieve weight loss is Hydroxycut.
The dramatic increase in obesity-related diseases emphasizes the need to aggressively combat obesity. That is why more and more people are in need of a weight loss aid that will make it easier for them to lose weight and that weight loss aid should be only Hydroxycut.
Hydroxycut is a powerful fat burner. In fact, it may be the most powerful fat burner of our times. Hydroxycut is a product of Iovate Health Sciences. It is a highly popular, effective and successful weight loss supplement which has been around for more than 9 years. It has been used by millions of people with excellent results. Its excellent efficacy can be judged from the fact that more than a million product units are sold every year. That means it must be highly effective to make people buy it.
Hydroxycut is THAT product which garnered the renowned title of ?The Diet Pill?. Hydroxycut is easily America?s Most wanted weight loss supplement. For years, people all over America have chosen Hydroxycut for best weight loss results and now it?s time for you to reap the benefits of this product. Try America?s #1 selling weight loss pill now.
Due to several complaints it was recalled from market in May 2009 because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning to consumers to stop using Hydroxycut immediately because of the risk of serious side effects or death. The manufacturer then recalled the products and after few months a new formulation of Hydroxycut weight loss products was created and is being sold currently in the market. Please Refer to section ?The Undeniable Truth? for More Information.
Under The Hood
Hydroxycut is ?THE ULTIMATE WEIGHT LOSS PILL?. It is totally a natural product and contains specific ratio of minerals and natural herb extracts. These specific ratios, which have been specially created by the company, are known as propriety blends and The exact quantities/ratios of some herbal extract are kept secret by the company. The highly successful results of Hydroxycut products are attributed to these specific ratios of herbal extracts, contained in these blends, which have made Hydroxycut products highly effective in reducing weight.
Hydroxycut basically is a mixture of some Dietary Minerals (calcium, chromium & potassium) and two propriety blends known as HYDROXAGEN and HYDROXY TEA.
Mode of action of Hydroxycut
- Hydroxycut stimulates weight loss by burning fats for energy.
- Hydroxycut increases energy levels which enable stronger workouts, keep you active all day and help you stay motivated and focused on your weight loss goal.
- Hydroxycut increases the rate of metabolism and energy expenditure which cause more calories to burn even while resting.
- Hydroxycut suppresses appetite and diminishes food craving. This reduces our food intake and puts our body in semi starvation mode which induces the body to utilize stored fats.
List of Ingredients Present In Hydroxycut
Dietary Minerals
- Calcium 156mg
- Chromium 133mcg
- Potassium 218mg
Hydroxagen Plus 1.32g
- Garcinia Cambogia Extract (Fruit & Rind) Standardized for 60% ? Hydroxycitric Acid
- Gymnema Sylvestre Extract (Leaf) Standardized for 25% Gymnemic Acids
- Soy Phospholipids Supplying Phosphatidyl Ethanolamine (NOPE) Phosphatidyl Serine Phosphatidyl Chol
- Rhodiola Rosea Extract (Root) Standardized for 5% Rosavins
- Withania Somnifera Extract RootStandardized for 1.5% Withanolides
Hydroxy Tea 414mg
- Green Tea Extract As Camellia Sinensis Leaf
- Supplying Polyphenols Catechins Epigallocatechin Gallate EGCG 91mg
- Caffeine Anhydrous 200mg
- White Tea Extract Camellia Sinensis Leaf, Standardized for 50% Polyphenols 35% Catechins 15% EGCG
- Oolong Tea Extract Camellia Sinensis Leaf, Standardized for 50% Polyphenols 25% Catechins 15% EGCG
HYDROXYCUT ? A Deeper Insight!
How Hydroxycut Helps You Lose Weight - Clinical Research Studies Verify The Weight Loss Effect Of the Ingredients
Hydroxycut consists of three main groups of ingredients.
- Dietary minerals,
- Hydroxygen,
- Hydroxy Tea.
The Dietary Minerals
Calcium plays an important contributing role in reducing the incidence of obesity and prevalence of the insulin resistance syndrome.. (http://jn.nutrition.org/content/133/1/249S.short)
Chromium increases lean body mass and decrease percentage body fat, which leads to weight loss in humans. (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1753-4887.1998.tb01763.x/abstract)
Potassium acts as an electrolyte in the body and is a dietary requirement. Potassium is needed for proper muscle growth, Proper fuctioning of nervous system and brain function.
The Components of Hydroxygen Plus
Garcinia cambogia Extract: Garcinia cambogia effectively lowers the body weight and reduces accumulated fat around abdominal (visceral) organs. Garcinia cambogia extract treats high-fat-diet induced obesity by modulating multiple genes responsible for adipogenesis (fat formation).(http://ukpmc.ac.uk/abstract/MED/18603810/reload=0;jsessionid=jYZPfW5zdgxSkbwPGNqA.0).
Hydroxycitric acid or HCA, present in Garcinia cambogia, has been shown to reduce appetite, inhibit fat synthesis and decrease body weight without stimulating the central nervous system. So it does not increase blood pressure and make you feel jittery like caffeine does.
Gymnema Sylvestre Extract has been clinically proven to significantly decreases body weight.
- It decreases food consumption by suppressing appetite which reduces our food cravings.
- It reduces fat around visceral (abdominal) organs which results in reduction in belly fat.
- It lowers blood serum levels of triglycerides (lipids), total cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) & very low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs) and blood sugar levels because it makes muscles take up glucose from blood. It increases the levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) which are good lipids.
- It also inhibits the pancreatic lipase which is responsible for digesting fats in our foods. This prevents absorption and accumulation of fat in our body. This gives us a clear evidence that the Gymnema Sylvestre Extract has a excellent anti-obesity action. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22486040)
Combination of Hydroxy Citric Acid (present in Garcinia cambogia) , Chromium & Gymnema Sylvestre Extract serve as safe weight management supplements. (http://www.nrjournal.com/article/S0271-5317(03)00221-5/abstract)
Soy Proteins: Soy protein and its isoflavones have a beneficial role in obesity. Consumption of soy protein reduces body weight and fat mass and lowers plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Soy protein reduces body fat accumulation and improves insulin resistance. Consumption of soy protein induces satiety (the feeling of being full) and reduce excess body fat. Soy protein and its constituents also reduce plasma lipids and fat accumulation in liver and adipose tissue, which reduces the risks of atherosclerosis, lipotoxicity and other obesity-related complications. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1838825/)
Rhodiola rosea extract contributes to weight loss in several ways.
- It activates the synthesis & resynthesis of ATP in muscle mitochondria (power house of cells) which stimulates and repairs energy formation processes after intense exercise.
- It helps in weight reduction and fat burning because it makes muscles utilize more energy and burn more calories. So it is thermogenic in nature which futher contributes to weight loss.(http://www.springerlink.com/content/p6533473q8100547/).
- Rhodiola rosea posesses anti-stress properties. Dieting puts the body in semi-starvation state which results in stress & depression. This stress & depression results in lack of energy and motivation. Anti-stress properties of Rhodiola rosea relieves our body of stress and makes it more active.. (http://jop.sagepub.com/content/21/7/742.short)
Whithania Somnifera acts on adipocytes (fat cells) to reduce cell viability. Its does this by reducing formation of new fat cells(adipogenesis) and triggering cell death of existing fat cells (apoptosis). (http://iospress.metapress.com/content/0nk4314823416832/).
Withania somnifera is also useful for generalized weakness and improves speed, lower limb muscular strength and neuro-muscular co-ordination. This makes us more active and make exercise and workouts a lot easier. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2996571/)
The Components Of Hydroxy Tea
Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis Leaf)Extract:
- Consumption of green tea and its extracts reduce body weight by reducing body fat.
- It also increases postprandial thermogenesis (formation of heat after meals) and fat oxidation (metabolism).
- EGCG (active compound of green tea) alone has the potential to increase fat metabolism in men and contributes to the anti-obesity effects of green tea. (http://www.jacn.org/content/26/4/389S.abstract)
- Green tea extracts enhances exercise-induced changes in abdominal fat and serum triglycerides (lipids). SThis statement providses the clinical basis to the fact that Hydroxycut works a lot better if accompanied by moderate exercise(http://jn.nutrition.org/content/139/2/264.abstract)
- Consumption of green tea is very good for your health because it has effects on body weight and energy expenditure. Green tea also reduces blood cholesterol levels, the incidence of cancers and is also a potent antioxidant. (http://www.ajcn.org/content/72/5/1232.short)
- Green tea extract contains a potent antioxidant, EGCG, which is over 200 times more powerful than vitamin E in neutralizing the pro-oxidants and free radicals that attack lipids in the brain. It has been used for years as a powerful antioxidant which is also helpful in shedding fat.
- Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant often used to stay alert, awake and combat fatigue. This makes us active and provides us energy to do workouts and remian motivated.
- As ephedra is now banned by FDA, caffeine is considered the safest alternative. Like Ephedra, caffeine increases mental alertness while providing additional energy for weight loss and exercise training.
- In a clinical study, two months of treatment of obesity with caffiene resulted in reduction in body weight and body fat percentage in obese women. The major cause of these excellent results was attributed to the thermogenic response. (http://ukpmc.ac.uk/abstract/MED/8061728)
White Tea extract is a natural source that effectively inhibits adipogenesis (fat formation) and stimulates lipolysis(fat breakdown). (http://www.nutritionandmetabolism.com/content/6/1/20)
Oolong Tea Increases Metabolic Rate and Fat Oxidation in Men. Energy expenditure and calorie burning was significantly increased. In addition, fat oxidation (fat metabolism) was significantly higher when subjects consumed the full-strength Oolong tea.(http://jn.nutrition.org/content/131/11/2848.short)
The Undeniable Truth
These is no denying the fact that if you search for hydroxycut over the internet, you will be bombarded with the facts stating that hydroxycut is not safe. You will be overwhelmed at the amount of information available about hydroxycut being unsafe, causing liver damage and consumers being warned by FDA to avoid using hydroxycut product. Well, they are not jusr rumors ? it?s true. But that?s just the tip of the iceberg, not the whole story.
Yes, Hydroxycut has the potential to cause liver damage. From the time of its launch, Hydroxycut was a huge success. It has since sold millions of units. The average sale is more than one million units of hydroxycut per year. In 2008 alone over nine million units were sold! Considering the number of products sold and the negative information available about hydroxy on the internet, one might guess that the number of reported complaint or cases might be in thousands. But do you know what is the actual TOTAL number of complaints received by FDA against hydroxycut? 23! That?s it! Just 23! Inspite of millions of products sold only 23 people suffered from side effects. That?s less than even .000023% !!! As a matter of fact, more number of people than that are killed in road accidents each year! Imagine That!
Huge number of sales mean that millions of people have used Hydroxycut upto now. Comparing the huge numbers of people to the number of complaints recieved by FDA, the chaos about hydroxycut being unsafe certainly seems a lot less formidable.
Side effects are a common part of drugs. As for the people who say that Natural compounds have no side effects ? let them know that HYDROXYCUT contains only natural herbs. So why these side effects? Do not be mislead by thinking natural compounds are free of side effects and only FDA approved drugs have side effects. What are these FDA approved drugs actually? Basically they are just refined and concerntrated forms of herbs and herbal supplements are just the raw form of these drugs. For example lets consider Aspirin. Aspirin is approved to be sold without a doctor?s prescription. It can just be bought from any pharmacy store. But have you ever read the pamphlet containing drug infromation present inside the packaging? It lists the side effects of Aspirin, which are several, with stomach irritant and ulcer causing being the main ones. The point i?m trying to make here is that even a drug considered safe to be sold without doctor?s prescription has side effects ? so why can?t herbal products, from which these drugs are derived, have side effects? Interestingly not many people are aware of the fact that apirin was at first just another herbal/natural compound. It was typically present in oil in winter green which was giving as decoction to the people having fever and pain. So does that mean that taking aspirin is not safe while using oil of wintergreen is safe? No. Herbal supplements too have side effects and Herbal supplements of today may become FDA approved drugs of tommorow.
So like aspirin ? hydroxycut has its share of side effects too ? but they are extremely rare and are only serious when you do not follow proper instructions.
A larger no of people are killed in road accidents each year. Does that mean that we should stop using roads? Should we stop taking common drugs like aspirin for headaches ? No! As sensible beings what we do is that we try to be more careful ? Like being more careful on the road. We try to minimize the chances of side effects because prevention is always better than cure. Do not just put aside Hydroxycut just because 23 people in millions expreienced side effects.
Another point one must consider is that the body systems of everyone are not identical. Consider another common drug , Ibuprofen (brufen) ? A drug safer than even aspirin which can be safely given to small children and even infants! (while aspirin cannot). Brufen is a great life saving drug but as the body systems of some people are more sensitive than others ? brufen is not tolerated by all. Some people get allergic reactions and rashes when they take brufen. So does than mean that we should also stop taking this Life saving drug just because a few people did not tolerate it. Same is the case with hydroxycut. 23 people were sensitive to it ? while millions we not! So this does not mean at all that we should just blindly accept that hydroxycut is not safe and deprive ourselves of this amazingly effective drug for weight loss! What we should do is be careful
The foremost indication that your body is not tolerating hydroxycut is that the bile levels increase in your blood. Bile is a yellow pigment made by liver and more of its quantity, than normal, is released into the blood when your liver does not tolerate anything. A common test you can do at home is to check you eyes regularly in the mirror. If you are experiencing yellowness of eyes while using hydroxycut, this may mean that the level of bile in you blood has increased. Have a Liver function test (LFT) done to confirm that bile level hsa surely risen. If it has - this is the indication that your body needs a break from hydroxycut.
Getting an LFT done after every two months of taking hydroxycut is highly advised to acertain that you are not sensitive hydroxycut. LFTs will help you monitor the state of your liver.
Infact the maker sof hydroxycut recommend not to use this product for more than 2,3 moths at a time. So use Hydroxycut and reap its benefits for about two months and then give your body a break for about a month. In this way you are making sure that you are not burdening your body.
Please Note that Hydroxycut does not contain any Ephedra (Ephedrine). There are some stories on the internet about Hydroxycut being unsafe beacuse it contains ephedra. These are old stories (prior to 2003). At the time of its launch hydroxycut did contain ephedra but after FDA prohibited the use of ephedra in nay supplement, Hydroxycut was reformulated and is now totally ephedra free.
For those people, having high Blood pressure and heart conditions, who are concerned about caffeine raising their b.p and being not good for their heart ? Hydroxycut is also available in caffeine free form for them.
Hydroxycut is a strong and powerful fat burner so it can happen that your body does not tolerate it easily. So start easy at one third the recommended dose and then gradually increase the doese.
How to use Hydroxycut
- It is recommended that you start taking Hydroxycut in small doses at first to assess your ?individual tolerance? to its ingredients.
- You should take one capsule/tablet half hour before meal with a full glass of water. Do this one or two times a day depending on what dosage is recommended for you according to the label (refer tho the ?Dosage? section.
- After the first two days, take the full recommended dosage twice a day, 30 minutes before your main meals.
- Be careful and Never exceed three full dosages in a 24 hour period.
- Use product for 8 to 12 weeks and then give yourself and your body a break.
- Consume 8 to 10 glasses of water a day while using the product.
- Remeber this product is most effective when combined with diet (low calorie intake) and moderate exercise.
Caution Advised ? Contraindications / side effects
Hydroxycut is one of the best weight loss supplements out there, but it has its share of side effects. These include:
- Incresed blood pressure.
- Incresed heart rate.
- Headaches, light-headedness and dizziness
- Nose bleeds
- Blurred vision
- Out break of acne.
- Jaundice.
Women who are pregnant or nursing should never use Hydroxycut.
- You may experience some of the side effects. These are temporary and should go away after you discontinue using Hydroxucut.
- Discontinue use immediately and consult a physician if you experience serious side effects or if the colour of white part of your eyes is turning yellow.
- It is advised to consult with your physician before using any dietary supplement.
- The weight loss studies used in marketing by MuscleTech have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. But the studies regarding its constituents, mentioned in this article, are clinically and officially approved and accepted studies.
Newspaper Acknowledge Hydroxycut As Top Seller Weight Loss Aid With Yearly Sales In Millions!!!
- Very good but strong ? So be careful!
I lost weight much faster using this product than just with diet and exercise alone. But it can be pretty strong so follow the provided instruction on the label. It is a great product, doesn?t give you the jitters or make your heart beat heavily. This one works for me so I would suggest it to anyone. It does work. Mjmc22 (http://www.amazon.com/review/R2UXH19ZEG4KJV/ref=cm_cr_pr_viewpnt#R2UXH19ZEG4KJV)
I had gained quite a bit of weight after I got married & had my first son. I was never able to lose it. I decided to give Hydroxycut a try and noticed the first day, I suddenly had tons of energy. I had increased thirst for water which is good. It took me about two months to start to see true results which were amazing. I took the pills for about five months and kept losing. I noticed loss in inches, which is better than pounds. Just don?t expect overnight results. Jenz SDMF (http://www.amazon.com/Iovate-Pro-Clinical-Hydroxycut/product-reviews/B002CAHOAU/ref=cm_cr_dp_see_all_btm/178-4238493-3300145?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1&sortBy=bySubmissionDateDescending)
I have so much energy and am able to focus better on my workout, sometimes I even have to tell myself to stop because I have so much energy now that I just want to keep working out. Artimis. (http://www.walmart.com/ip/Hydroxycut-Advanced-60ct/12516992#)
- Lost 13 pounds in 30 days!
I have taken this product without excercise, just diet. I drink only water and green tea. I eat 3 small meals a day. I take 2 in the morning at 9am and the other 2 around 4pm right before I have dinner. I still sleep at night, no problem. I have no side effects, just occasional jitters from the caffeine but that has ceased. The first 14 days I was able to lose 9 lbs due to water weight. I?m very impressed with this product and will continue taking it, but with exercise of course, maybe it will help speed it up a little. Samantha21, Lodi, CA (http://www.walmart.com/ip/Hydroxycut-Advanced-60ct/12516992#)
I used to play video games day in, and day out, never went out. I was 5 pounds under 300. I purchased Hydroxycut, and followed the directions. Drank nothing but water, a lot of water. Ate a lot of raw salmon, and ate salads, never drank anything with sugar. Just pure healthy food. I also started walking 2-3 miles a day, then jogging. In 2 weeks, I had lost 35 pounds. In a month another 15 pounds. I?m 6?4, weighing at 240-245. I?m going continue it and hopefully get down to 220. I recommend this product, only if you?re committed to loosing the excess weight. If you?re just hoping for miracles, go get some liposuction. San Diego, CA (http://www.walmart.com/ip/Hydroxycut-Advanced-60ct/12516992#)
First of all I give it 5 stars because it does in fact make you loose weight. I did drastic changes on my food & bev intake & i also exercise now. I just finished week 1 and lost an amazing 8 pounds?Im extremely happy about that! This product works but you have to work also. I recommend it, it won?t disappoint. 21justmeme (http://www.walmart.com/ip/Hydroxycut-Advanced-60ct/12516992#)
After I had my baby I weighed 180! I wanted to weigh around 130. So I considered diet pills to help me lose weight. The pills definitely made me not as hungry and gave me a lot more energy. In the first 2 weeks I lost a total of 10 pounds!!. I love these pills! They really DO WORK IF YOU WORK OUT AND DIET ALONG WITH THEM! All I can say is THANK YOU HYDROXYCUT FOR GIVING ME MY BODY BACK! Emmyp1125 (http://www.walmart.com/ip/Hydroxycut-Advanced-60ct/12516992#)
Dosage and Directions
- Take Two (2) Rapid-Release Capsules (caplets) With A Glass of Water Two (2) Times Daily.
- To Assess Individual Tolerance, try Day 1 to Day 3, 1 Caplet, 2X Daily. Day 4 & Beyond, 2 Caplets, 2X Daily.
- Do Not Exceed Two (2) Caplets In A 4-Hour Period and/Or Four (4) Caplets In A 24-Hour Period.
- Do Not Take Within 5 Hours of Bedtime.
- Consume 8-10 Glasses of Water Per Day.
- Read The Entire Label Before Use and Follow Directions.
- For best results, use Hydroxycut for 8 weeks in conjunction with a calorie-reduced diet and a regular exercise program. Do not snack after dinner.
suggested video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dK3qeI5kyqI?as seen on tv
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ne-J-PNnBqw ?. tv
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQWooO7kssA ? vitamin shope
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arB7evvZsG0 ?ad
Source: http://www.gnet.org/hydroxycut-the-ultimate-diet-pill/
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