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Saturday, 25 February 2012
Family Area Lighting Tips - Investment - Investment Financial Advice
Lighting definitely enhances appearance of living room. It is most important room of any household as it is used by all the members of the home .Hence there is a need to ensure proper lighting here. It is essential to have proper lighting in living room as we entertain our guests here. Today various types of lighting arrangements are available for different purposes.
You can create a lively atmosphere with the help of various living room lighting ideas. Factors such as size, color, furniture and other mounting, determine the type of lighting you need in the room. Walls painted in light colors will increase the brightness of the room. Selection of portable lamps that are flexible in nature may help to use them for various tasks in different corners of the room.
Different lighting techniques can be used to create the desired atmosphere, depending on the mood you want to create in your leisure. Lighting can make a big difference and can make a good and lasting impression on your guests. Lighting can be expensive or free. There are two sources of light, natural light and artificial light. The natural sunlight can be used wisely to brighten your living room during the day.
Hygiene and interior space may have a great impact when sunlight is conducted on the living room in the daytime. Dramatic effects may be created in the room with artificial lighting within the night. If you want to add personality for your room at affordable price then traditional lamps works best. Today there are many kinds of lights that are available within a group of people styles, sizes, colors and designs for you to make a choice in the one who suits your living area. Selecting the right out of your many options available might possibly be little difficult.
There are three section that are included in living room lighting ideas; general illumination, ambient lighting and task lighting. Many people use chandeliers and hanging lights to decorate living rooms as they best ceiling living area lighting options as they are highly attractive and make great focus pieces for the room.
Living room lighting might possibly be divided into three different sections. Permanent lighting and chandeliers and wall lamps with portable lighting systems, comparable to table lamps usually section of the decorative lighting within the front room. Floor and table lamps really make a great living area lighting option, just portable to help you move them throughout the room at will. Living room lamps are to be ideally set slightly behind the area being illuminated and a shifted to slightly right or left.
In the event you ever need to position a table lamp in a certain position in your room and also you don?t need a suitable piece of furniture to put it on, utilize a circular table. Should you have a fire place, there are numerous varieties of lounge lighting such as track fixtures or overhead recessed light fixtures. Before determining what kind of general lighting your living area needs to have, considered your furniture arrangement and circulation paths.
Find out our comprehensive study on pink chandelier and how could it help you to enhance your knowledge when you ready to redecorates your living room with things like chandelier lamp shades. It helps you to decide before you decide.
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Source: http://www.investmentfinancialadvice.com/2012/02/23/family-area-lighting-tips/
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Friday, 24 February 2012
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Inflight connectivity rivals face off in the race to provide satellite ...
A few years ago Airbus warned the industry that a dot-com-like bubble could form if airlines continued to chase higher-bandwidth airborne communications solutions instead of taking advantage of the connectivity hardware that already comes factory-fit on many new aircraft.
The European airframer was understandably concerned. It had already begun delivering aircraft with a lightweight, low profile, Inmarsat L-band satellite-supported SwiftBroadband antenna system that could provide a range of connectivity functions ? including a managed internet experience (up to 432 kbps) for passengers ? whilst its OnAir joint venture with SITA provided the service.
On the other side of the pond, Airbus archrival Boeing was still on the fence about inflight connectivity after the mid-decade failure of its own in-house Ku-band satellite-based communications service, Connexion by Boeing (the service worked great; the business case didn?t).
What a difference a few years can make. Today, with consumers showing an insatiable appetite for bandwidth on the ground, and airlines keen to meet the expectations of tech-savvy travellers, Airbus and Boeing have warmed to installing higher bandwidth Ku systems (with speeds of up to 3 mbps down and 1 mbps up) ? complete with requisite bulky antennas ? from the factory floor.
Although Airbus still offers SwiftBroadband-supported Wi-Fi and mobile connectivity via OnAir, the manufacturer now also gives customers of its newest widebody, the A350 XWB, the option of inflight entertainment (IFE) company Panasonic Avionics? competing Ku connectivity system for high-speed internet and mobile communications.
Boeing, meanwhile, is delivering 777s with SwiftBroadband, but has also resumed delivering the twinjet widebodies with systems that operate via Ku satellites in the 12.5-18 GHz frequency range (though this time Boeing is working with Panasonic).
But the game is about to change again. Inmarsat in 2010 announced plans to launch a ?super-fast? global aeronautical service in the Ka-band space (the spectrum between 26.5 GHz and 40 GHz). Three Boeing-built Ka satellites will be launched into orbit to support the so-called Global Xpress service, which is expected to start coming on line at the end of 2013.
OnAir and US-based connectivity provider Gogo have been picked by Inmarsat to distribute the service, a move that will pit the two companies against Panasonic and its Ku offering and will undoubtedly give airframers another connectivity service to consider. In fact, Airbus is eyeing Global Xpress as an option for the A350 XWB.
As such, Panasonic is striving to quickly fill the gaps in its Ku coverage before Inmarsat makes headway with its Global Xpress plan.
But there are other moving parts to the story. In the retrofit market, where connectivity systems are bolted onto aircraft post-delivery, Panasonic, Gogo and OnAir are up against two companies that have already won key deals with low-cost carriers ? Row 44?s Ku service and ViaSat?s regional Ka service, which it is augmenting with Ku.
Perhaps predictably, an escalating war of words has emerged amongst Ku and Ka stakeholders, with each party claiming their solution is the best and most cost efficient.
Boasting several different partnerships with satellite operators, including with AsiaSat, Intelsat, Telesat, GE and more recently RuSat in Russia, and with more in the works, Panasonic ?had a big push toward the end of 2011 to bring a lot of new regions on line?, says Panasonic Avionics VP, global communications services David Bruner.
?The things we?ll close out in first quarter include turning on the west coast of Africa, and later in April or May, a new satellite going up will provide coverage over east Africa, which will give us coverage over Africa, and then South America will probably come on line early second quarter. JSAT, a Japanese company, is providing service in the area from Southeast Asia to India. One of the most important ones we?ve been working on is China and we?re hoping to wrap that up shortly. We?ll probably pop the Dom Perignon when that happens because that has been long time in coming but will be worth it because it will put us in a very attractive [position] to have seamless coverage everywhere.?
Bruner says Panasonic conducted deep analysis with Inmarsat on Global Xpress, but reached a point where Global Xpress ?did not meet our requirements?. He suggests that Ka ?is harder to develop and would have been worth it if we could achieve the cost benefit and get the market success that we wanted. But it became clear that it wasn?t going to do that for us. There are a whole lot of costs in migrating to Ka.?
Instead of pursuing Ka Panasonic has set out to develop what it claims will be a better solution than Global Xpress for the commercial market. ?To do that, we?re going to enhance our Ku network so that it is the best performing satellite service for the aeronautical world,? says Bruner.
This so-called Next Generation Satellite Network will offer ?some Ku capacity everywhere but real big capacity in the areas where you have lots and lots of airplanes. It will be high throughput, augmenting our existing network, and allowing us to gracefully migrate to much greater capacity and not have to design, install, and certify new equipment, and not have to get Boeing and Airbus offerability on a new [Ka] antenna.?
Keen to bring Global Xpress to market to meet what it sees as quickly growing demand ? and cognizant of the gains already made by Panasonic ? Inmarsat is pressing forward with an aggressive rollout schedule that will see it conduct a large number of on-ground trials over other Ka satellites already in orbit.
This will allow Inmarsat to ?simulate every piece of our system before our [own] satellites go up?, says Global Xpress managing director Leo Mondale. Inmarsat expects to launch its first ?Inmarsat-5? Ka-band satellite in the middle of 2013 over Europe, the Middle East and?Africa?region. ?Within a few months of launching, it will be available for testing and trials and shortly after that for commercial service,? says Mondale, noting: ?Obviously half the people in the world are in the line of view of that satellite. That is our critical march to market.?
Two more Ka-band satellites will be launched within a year. Inmarsat aims to offer worldwide coverage for the aviation markets by mid-2014.
Mondale is confident in Inmarsat?s decision to team with OnAir and Gogo ? companies whose primary focus is inflight entertainment ? versus IFE firms like Panasonic. ?The risk we run in teaming close with?IFE?[manufacturers] as a primary interest is that connectivity would be a secondary one, not a primary. We want to support all of the?IFE?models out there with the connectivity components which will vary from?IFE?model to?IFE?model, but there are a lot of models out there so we think focusing on connectivity makes sense.?
OnAir CEO Ian Dawkins says: ?Inmarsat didn?t have perhaps quite the success it wanted with SwiftBroadband (in commercial air transport). We?ve made it a success for them. And by partnering [on Global Xpress] we can get this service up quickly. We?re planning to fit terminals on some aircraft in 2013.?
He asserts that, with Ku-based inflight connectivity, ?you?ll find it [the service] will cut out as it goes from one satellite provider to the next. Also, there are regions around the world not covered with Ku. It?s no secret [that] it?s a patchwork quilt. Global Xpress for me will be 30% greater capacity or throughput than any Ku service. Ku will not ever be able to do that in a the way it?s set up today and for me, if you look at Ku?s footprint, they will have to launch satellites over regions that they want to extend coverage to.?
But Global Xpress is not going to the only Ka game in town; in fact, if all goes as planned, regional Ka services from ViaSat will be realised first. [Below, ViaSat demonstrates how satellite-supported inflight connectivity works.]
Last year ViaSat launched what is claims is ?the highest capacity satellite in the world?, a Ka spot beam satellite covering North America and Hawaii. The technology is expected to support high-speed connectivity for JetBlue Airways? fleet of Airbus A320s and Embraer 190s, and over 200 Boeing aircraft operating for United-Continental.
?We?re still on schedule, meeting our milestones, working with JetBlue [and its subsidiary LiveTV] to introduce service as planned. The notion is to have the first [test] flight in the late summer/early fall, but the plan is to introduce commercial service before the end of the calendar year,? says ViaSat director for mobile broadband strategy and business development Bill Sullivan.
?We have lots of capacity available. We introduced our commercial broadband service for the residential market in mid-January, offering speeds up to 12 mbps downstream and up to 3 mbps upstream. That?s pretty similar to what we plan to be putting on aircraft. Exactly how it will manifest itself is in some measure up to the airline and those specific service plans are being worked out.?
A Ka satellite launched by Eutelsat in late 2010 is expected to support inflight connectivity in Europe. ?Basically, the mobility enhancements for the Eutelsat network will be available to Eutelsat in roughly the same timeframe as we have them here,? says Sullivan.
Not surprisingly, players within the Ku space are less optimistic that the timelines being quoted for offering Ka inflight connectivity. ?If a major political party?s best pollsters can?t tell you which candidate will win a given primary vote even the day before, then I doubt even the smartest prognosticator can tell you in what year a Ka-band satellite service will be ready. I?ve been outspoken publicly about the tremendous complexity in getting a new band of satellite signal launched into space and making it commercially viable. Any estimate on when to expect Ka is about as scientific as betting on 17 black,? says Howard Lefkowitz, chief commercial officer at Row 44, which leases Ku capacity from Hughes and Intelsat.
?As you know, Row 44?s extensive relationships for satellite services (Ku and Ka, when the service is viable) give us rapid access to satellite coverage virtually anywhere in the world ? and Ku satellite coverage is ubiquitous, available almost at a moment?s notice. When we announce Ku-band coverage in a new region it will coincide with an airline (or several) in that region announcing that they are partnering with Row 44 for inflight broadband entertainment.?
But Wale Adepoju, CEO of consultancy IMDC, says that in his experience of evaluating connectivity systems on behalf of airlines, ?the key issue is less about Ku or Ka than actual market return, and trying to justify capital expenditure is quite a difficult thing. Now there is a lot of focus on the economics of it, the fuel burn. It?s not the sort of decision that can be made lightly.?
He says he sees ?a real disconnect between the debate going on which technology is going to be used and the actual economics of passenger experience. Instead you start to look at the operational benefits that connectivity brings to airlines, and you flip it [the business case] on its head. The analogy for me with connectivity is if you were building a hotel, of course you would need to put in wireless so customers could get on the internet. But if you try to charge or not, it will not make a financial impact at all on the cost of the network. But the mere fact that you have an IT network in your building does have an impact.
?What is true is the customer will always want more broadband. Even if we went to Ka, it still wouldn?t be fast enough.?
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Thursday, 23 February 2012
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Source: http://www.articlemarketingmatrix.net/affordable-property-loans/
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Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Justices will review racial preference for college
FILE - This Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012 file photo shows the U.S. Supreme Court Building Washington. The court is setting an election-season review of racial preference in college admissions, agreeing Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2012 to consider new limits on the contentious issue of affirmative action programs. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
FILE - This Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012 file photo shows the U.S. Supreme Court Building Washington. The court is setting an election-season review of racial preference in college admissions, agreeing Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2012 to consider new limits on the contentious issue of affirmative action programs. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
WASHINGTON (AP) ? The Supreme Court is setting an election-season review of racial preference in college admissions, agreeing Tuesday to consider new limits on the contentious issue of affirmative action programs.
A challenge from a white student who was denied admission to the University of Texas flagship campus will be the high court's first look at affirmative action in higher education since its 2003 decision endorsing the use of race as a factor.
This time around, a more conservative court could jettison that earlier ruling or at least limit when colleges may take account of race in admissions.
In a term already filled with health care, immigration and political redistricting, the justices won't hear the affirmative action case until the fall.
But the political calendar will still add drama. Arguments probably will take place in the final days of the presidential election campaign.
A broad ruling in favor of the student, Abigail Fisher, could threaten affirmative action programs at many of the nation's public and private universities, said Vanderbilt University law professor Brian Fitzpatrick.
A federal appeals court upheld the Texas program at issue, saying it was allowed under the high court's decision in Grutter vs. Bollinger in 2003 that upheld racial considerations in university admissions at the University of Michigan Law School.
But there have been changes in the Supreme Court since then. For one thing, Justice Samuel Alito appears more hostile to affirmative action than his predecessor, Sandra Day O'Connor. For another, Justice Elena Kagan, who might be expected to vote with the court's liberal-leaning justices in support of it, is not taking part in the case.
Kagan's absence probably is a result of the Justice Department's participation in the Texas case in the lower courts at a time when she served as the Obama administration's solicitor general.
Fisher, of Sugar Land, Texas, filed a lawsuit along with another woman when they were denied admission at the university's Austin campus. They contended the school's race-conscious policy violated their civil and constitutional rights. By then, the two had enrolled elsewhere.
The other woman has since dropped out of the case. The state has said that Fisher is a Louisiana State University senior whose impending graduation should bring an end to the lawsuit. But the Supreme Court appeared not to buy that argument Tuesday.
The Project on Fair Representation, which opposes the use of race in public policy, has helped pay Fisher's legal bills. "This case presents the Court with an opportunity to clarify the boundaries of race preferences in higher education or even reconsider whether race should be permitted at all under the Constitution's guarantee of equal protection," said Edward Blum, the group's director.
The project also issued a statement in Fisher's name. "I hope the court will decide that all future UT applicants will be allowed to compete for admission without their race or ethnicity being a factor," she said.
Most entering freshmen at Texas are admitted because they are among the top 10 percent in their high school classes. Fisher's grades did not put her in that category.
The Texas Legislature adopted the Top Ten Percent law after a federal appeals court ruling essentially barred the use of race in admissions.
But following the high court ruling in 2003, the university resumed considering race starting with its 2005 entering class. The policy at issue applies to the remaining spots beyond those filled by the top 10 percent and allows for the consideration of race along with other factors
Texas said its updated policy does not use quotas, which the high court has previously rejected. Instead, it said it takes a Supreme Court-endorsed broader approach to enrollment, with an eye toward increasing the diversity of the student body.
"We must have the flexibility to consider each applicant's unique experiences and background so we can provide the best environment in which to educate and train the students who will be our nation's future leaders," said Bill Powers, president of the University of Texas at Austin.
Before adding race back into the mix, Texas' student body was 21 percent African-American and Hispanic, according to court papers.
By 2007, the year before Fisher filed her lawsuit, African-Americans and Hispanics accounted for more than a quarter of the entering freshman class.
Fisher's challenge says the Top Ten Percent law was working to increase diversity and that minority enrollment was higher than it had been under the earlier race-conscious system.
Fitzpatrick said two other states, California and Florida, use similar "top 10" plans, although California law explicitly prohibits the consideration of race.
"But the vast majority of schools that are selective are using affirmative action, though they don't like to advertise it for fear of being sued," he said.
The case is Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, 11-345.
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Tuesday, 21 February 2012
93% The Secret World of Arrietty
All Critics (100) | Top Critics (25) | Fresh (94) | Rotten (7) | DVD (1)
The Secret World of Arrietty is a marvelously captivating animated feature about very tiny people and the full-scale world they inhabit.
Yonebayashi gives Arrietty an excellent sense of balance, with the adventure aspects of the story, which feel legitimately dangerous providing well-paced contrast the film's more placid moments.
It's an enjoyable and attractive-looking film, but a little of that "Speed Racer" energy wouldn't have been such a bad thing.
The visual details are inventive, and the animation - particularly the colors - is lovely.
"The Secret World of Arrietty'' is a feast for the eyes that will engage the entire family.
The Secret World of Arrietty is sweet fun, an astute match of exquisite style and small content.
the basic elements of loneliness, friendship, and the fragility of life are intact, along with that ineffable sense of wonder, melancholy, and magic
By being less bizarre than SPIRITED AWAY and having more of a human center to the film, THE SECRET WORLD OF ARRIETTY is one of Studio Ghibli's best efforts to date.
A beautiful family film based on THE BORROWERS will delight audiences of all ages
The Secret World of Arrietty is an engaging and warm story of a lovely friendship that has enough action and humour to satisfy all ages, and boy, it's awfully pretty.
While perfectly pleasant and an entirely suitable option for anyone looking to take small children to the movies, it is a disappointingly minor entry in the annals of Studio Ghibli...
An oasis of calm in the normally hyperactive world of toon entertainment.
That relaxed pace allows the story to breathe?forget the franticness of most American animation?and along with the gorgeously detailed art, lush color, and swoony music...the film is all but guaranteed to entrance children.
How sad that such efforts rarely find the audience they deserve.
Like its title character, it's a small tale told with a lot of heart, and for those looking for a throwback to non-computer-animated films, this could be your answer. (Parental Movie Review also available)
This could have been, and should have been, a marvelous treat for children of all ages.
I loved the attention to detail in this film. In fact, it is the precise sizing of everyday objects in proportion to the Borrowers themselves that I found fascinating.
The Secret World of Arrietty is a sweet film that retains the inherent fascination of two species of different sizes trying to understand each other's worlds.
Deeply felt anime about loneliness and friendship.
[A]n enjoyable and creative little film that may have you checking under the bed next time you hear something go bump in the night
The hand-drawn animation style is delightful.
...in a year where the Academy has only found two songs they deemed worth nominating, "Arrietty" has two of its own to note for next...
More Critic ReviewsSource: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_secret_world_of_arrietty/
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Ken Trueman
Tags: hosting seo
This entry was posted on Monday, February 20th, 2012 at 2:27 pm by Boris and is filed under Internet Marketing. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.
Source: http://home-online-business.com/how-to-pick-your-ebook-topic/
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Sunday, 19 February 2012
Top-3 Free Health And Fitness Apps
- By Linzay Logan
- Published 2 days ago
Like a personal trainer in your phone, apps can assist, coach and train you for a fraction of the cost, if not no cost ? anytime, anywhere.
Best Running App
RunKeeper ? $0
A GPS unit, workout log and virtual coach that?s compatible with almost any of your other training gadgets, RunKeeper is your best virtual running companion. Log in and you have nearly everything at your fingertips?preset running routes that your phone?s GPS will track for you while you run, auto pause for quick stops at stop lights, and audio cues from your virtual running coach or your downloaded training program. After its 2011 revamp, it was released as a free app.
Best Health And Fitness App
Map My Fitness ? $0
For one app that does it all, Map My Fitness is it. Find a running route, track your stats, sync your GPS watch, compare your progress and log your nutrition on your iPhone, Android or Blackberry with this free app. Ditch the ads and add a photography feature for $1.99 on your iPhone to share photos from your run with friends.
Best Cross-Training App
Nike Training Club ? $0
This cross-training app offers an endless variety of workouts that can be personalized?you choose the amount of time you work out, which strength-based or cardio-based exercises you want and which body parts to work. Each exercise is demonstrated by pro athletes so you can perfect your form. Earn new workouts and get training advice by building up your training time.
FILED UNDER: Shoes and Gear TAGS: MayMyFitness / Nike / RunKeeper
Source: http://running.competitor.com/2012/02/shoes-and-gear/top-3-free-health-and-fitness-apps_47430
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Saturday, 18 February 2012
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Israel says Iran, Hezbollah plotting more attacks (AP)
AP - Iran and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah are plotting more attacks on Israelis overseas, an Israeli counterterrorism official said Friday, warning travelers abroad to be especially vigilant.
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Friday, 17 February 2012
Romance & Real Estate: How Your Housing Situation Affects Your Love Life (Time.com)
Nick Dolding / Getty Images
Where you live affects who you date?and who will absolutely refuse to date you. In honor of Valentine?s Day, the real estate website Trulia commissioned Harris Interactive to conduct a survey looking at the intersection of attitudes about housing and romance. Are homeowners regarded as ?marriage material? more so than noncommital renters? Are people more interested in potential mates if they live alone? Just how bad is your love life impacted if you live with your parents? When it comes to dating and housing, what?s hot and what?s not?
Owners vs. Renters
While owning a home has always been a part of the traditional American Dream, it?s apparently not a deal breaker (or maker) when it comes to dating. Nearly two-thirds (63%) of unmarried U.S. adults said that homeowners had no significant ?home advantage? in terms of attracting dates. Only 28% of those surveyed said they?d prefer someone who owned a home. So you can?t really use the fact that you?re a renter as an excuse for why you can?t find a date. Well, perhaps guys can use that more as an excuse than the ladies: While just 19% of men say that they have a preference for dating homeowners, 36% of women prefer dates who own property.
(MORE: Who Qualifies for the $26 Billion Foreclosure Settlement?)
Homeownership = Marriage Material?
Buying a home demonstrates some level of commitment. But for the most part, owning a home is not viewed as a sign that you?re ready, or even interested, in marriage. In the survey, 43% of unmarried U.S. adults said that homeownership is not an indication of a person?s desire to get married or be in a serious, long-term committed relationship. However, young people are more likely to view homeowners as capable of committing to a partner. A higher percentage of millenials equate homeownership to stability and commitment. Baby Boomers, by contrast, are generally past the stage of first-time homeownership, so it matters less to them in terms of viewing the commitment potential of a new partner.
Lose the Roommate
The majority of those surveyed (62%) say they?d rather date someone who lives alone. Location matters too: When comparing the preferences of men and women, Trulia found that more men would rather date someone who lives alone in a big city. On the flip side, more women would go for a date with someone who lives solo in a house in the ?burbs.
Move Out Already!
Nearly 25 million adults live at home with their parents because they?re unemployed or underemployed, they?re trying to pay off student loans or save money to buy a place, or for any number of other reasons. While calling mom and dad your ?roommates? may be a smart financial move, it?s the kiss of death for a healthy dating life. Trulia?s survey found that only 5% of unmarried adults would be open to dating someone who lived with their parents.
(MORE: More Young Adults Are Poor, Live With Their Parents)
Shacking Up to Save
Nearly three-quarters (74%) of unmarried renters said they?d be willing to consider living with their significant other in order to save money. Somewhat surprisingly, more men than women said they?d be very willing to make the commitment of cohabitation.
Everyone Loves Master Bathrooms
Trulia posed the question: ?If you were in the market for your first home today, what home amenities would make you fall in love with a home?? The results show that, for the most part, men and women largely want the same things. The top amenity for both sexes is a master bathroom, followed by a walk-in closet. More women (72%) are infatuated with a walk-in closet than men (55%), but there are apparently plenty of metrosexual males in need of closet space, as well as a gourmet kitchen?No. 3 on the list of most-desired home amenities for both sexes. Perhaps men and women aren?t as different as we?ve been led to believe.
Michael Corbett is the?real estate and lifestyle expert at Trulia, an?online real estate resource. He is also the host of NBC?s ?EXTRA?s Mansions and Millionaires;? appears regularly on ABC?s ?The View? and Fox News; and is author of three real estate books: Find It, Fix It, FLIP IT!; Ready, Set, SOLD! and Before You BUY!
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Puzzle play improves math skills
[ | E-mail |
Contact: Bobbie Mixon
National Science Foundation
First study to examine puzzle play in a naturalistic setting reveals surprising results about girls and boys
An important context for figuring out problems through reasoning is puzzle play, say researchers at University of Chicago.
Psychologist Susan Levine and colleagues recently conducted a study that found 2-4 year-old children, who play with puzzles, have better spatial skills when assessed at 4 1/2 years of age.
After controlling for differences in parents' income, education and overall amount of parent language input, researchers say puzzle play proved to be a significant predictor of spatial skills--skills important in mathematics, science and technology and a key aspect of cognition.
"As early as the preschool years and persisting into adulthood, there are individual and gender differences on certain spatial tasks, notably those involving mental rotation [of objects]," the researchers write in their report, published in Developmental Science. "These variations are of considerable interest because of their reported relation to mathematics achievement."
Improvements in math education are a point of emphasis for the National Science Foundation, which partly funded the study. "This study brings greater awareness of the learning opportunities for children in everyday activities," said Soo-Siang Lim, program director for the NSF's Science of Learning Centers Program. "It is important because this and follow-up studies could potentially lead to relatively easy and inexpensive interventions to improve spatial skills important for STEM education."
STEM education involves science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Activities such as early puzzle play may lay the groundwork for development in these areas. In particular, the ability to mentally transform shapes is an important predictor of STEM course taking, degrees and careers, say researchers.
"The children who played with puzzles performed better than those who did not on tasks that assessed their ability to rotate and translate shapes," said Levine, a leading expert on mathematics development in young children.
The study was the first to look at puzzle play in a naturalistic setting. The researchers followed 53 child-parent pairs from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds for a two-year period. Researchers recorded parent-child interactions on video during 90-minute sessions that occurred every four months between 26 and 46 months of age.
The researchers asked the parents to interact with their children as they normally would and about half of the children in the sample played with puzzles at least one time. Higher income parents tended to engage children with puzzles more frequently. Both boys and girls who played with puzzles had better spatial skills, but boys played with more complicated puzzles than girls, and the parents of boys provided more spatial language during puzzle play and were more engaged in the play than the parents of girls.
The boys also performed better than the girls on a mental transformation task given at 54 months of age.
"Further study is needed to determine if the puzzle play and the language children hear about spatial concepts actually causes the development of spatial skills and to examine why there is a sex difference in the difficulty of the puzzles played with and in the parents' interactions with boys and girls," said Levine. "We are currently conducting a laboratory study in which parents are asked to play with puzzles with their preschool sons and daughters, and the same puzzles are provided to all participants.
"We want to see whether parents provide the same input to boys and girls when the puzzles are of the same difficulty," Levine said. "In the naturalistic study, parents of boys may have used more spatial language in order to scaffold their ability to put more difficult puzzles together."
Alternatively, the difference in parent spatial language and engagement may be related to a societal stereotype that males have better spatial skills. "Our findings suggest that engaging both boys and girls in puzzle play can support the development of an aspect of cognition that has been implicated in success in the STEM disciplines," Levine said.
Joining Levine in writing the paper are Kristin R. Ratliff and Janellen Huttenlocher of the University of Chicago and Joanna Cannon of the New York City Department of Education.
In addition to NSF, the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Child Health and Human Development provided funding for the study.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
[ | E-mail |
Contact: Bobbie Mixon
National Science Foundation
First study to examine puzzle play in a naturalistic setting reveals surprising results about girls and boys
An important context for figuring out problems through reasoning is puzzle play, say researchers at University of Chicago.
Psychologist Susan Levine and colleagues recently conducted a study that found 2-4 year-old children, who play with puzzles, have better spatial skills when assessed at 4 1/2 years of age.
After controlling for differences in parents' income, education and overall amount of parent language input, researchers say puzzle play proved to be a significant predictor of spatial skills--skills important in mathematics, science and technology and a key aspect of cognition.
"As early as the preschool years and persisting into adulthood, there are individual and gender differences on certain spatial tasks, notably those involving mental rotation [of objects]," the researchers write in their report, published in Developmental Science. "These variations are of considerable interest because of their reported relation to mathematics achievement."
Improvements in math education are a point of emphasis for the National Science Foundation, which partly funded the study. "This study brings greater awareness of the learning opportunities for children in everyday activities," said Soo-Siang Lim, program director for the NSF's Science of Learning Centers Program. "It is important because this and follow-up studies could potentially lead to relatively easy and inexpensive interventions to improve spatial skills important for STEM education."
STEM education involves science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Activities such as early puzzle play may lay the groundwork for development in these areas. In particular, the ability to mentally transform shapes is an important predictor of STEM course taking, degrees and careers, say researchers.
"The children who played with puzzles performed better than those who did not on tasks that assessed their ability to rotate and translate shapes," said Levine, a leading expert on mathematics development in young children.
The study was the first to look at puzzle play in a naturalistic setting. The researchers followed 53 child-parent pairs from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds for a two-year period. Researchers recorded parent-child interactions on video during 90-minute sessions that occurred every four months between 26 and 46 months of age.
The researchers asked the parents to interact with their children as they normally would and about half of the children in the sample played with puzzles at least one time. Higher income parents tended to engage children with puzzles more frequently. Both boys and girls who played with puzzles had better spatial skills, but boys played with more complicated puzzles than girls, and the parents of boys provided more spatial language during puzzle play and were more engaged in the play than the parents of girls.
The boys also performed better than the girls on a mental transformation task given at 54 months of age.
"Further study is needed to determine if the puzzle play and the language children hear about spatial concepts actually causes the development of spatial skills and to examine why there is a sex difference in the difficulty of the puzzles played with and in the parents' interactions with boys and girls," said Levine. "We are currently conducting a laboratory study in which parents are asked to play with puzzles with their preschool sons and daughters, and the same puzzles are provided to all participants.
"We want to see whether parents provide the same input to boys and girls when the puzzles are of the same difficulty," Levine said. "In the naturalistic study, parents of boys may have used more spatial language in order to scaffold their ability to put more difficult puzzles together."
Alternatively, the difference in parent spatial language and engagement may be related to a societal stereotype that males have better spatial skills. "Our findings suggest that engaging both boys and girls in puzzle play can support the development of an aspect of cognition that has been implicated in success in the STEM disciplines," Levine said.
Joining Levine in writing the paper are Kristin R. Ratliff and Janellen Huttenlocher of the University of Chicago and Joanna Cannon of the New York City Department of Education.
In addition to NSF, the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Child Health and Human Development provided funding for the study.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-02/nsf-ppi021612.php
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Thursday, 16 February 2012
Scientists Study How Little Exercise You Need
You know, I used to feel the same way (i.e. macros are more important, and as long as you got your nutrients, the source doesn't really matter).
But a while ago, I changed my lifestyle -- vegetarian, gave up alcohol, coffee, and most processed foods, and just started eating healthier foods in general.
I've seen a drastic difference in not just my fitness levels, but also my stamina. I'm having the flu right now, and yet, my buddies and I just had an intense workout out for over an hour at the gym, and I didn'
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Sunday, 12 February 2012
The nation's weather (AP)
Weather Underground Forecast for Saturday, Feb. 11, 2012.
Precipitation was expected to spread across the East Coast on Saturday, while more rain and mountain snow showers were anticipated for parts of the West. A trough of low pressure and associated cold front continued moving eastward across the Eastern Valleys into the Eastern Seaboard. Cool temperatures to the north were expected to allow for snow showers to develop across the Northeast and New England, while rain showers were likely over the Mid-Atlantic states. Rain showers over the Southeastern states were expected to wind down in the early morning hours as the tail end of the system pushes offshore early in the day. The New York metropolitan area was expected to see 1 to 3 inches of snow, while the Washington D.C. area could see a messy combination of snow and freezing rain as high temperatures reach into the lower 40s.
Behind this system, a ridge of high pressure continued to build in from the Plains, pushing cold and dry air in from Canada. This allowed for plenty of sunshine to spread from the Plains over the Mississippi River Valley and into the Eastern Valleys. The Northern Plains and Upper Midwest were expected to see highs in the teens again, while the Midwest expected to see highs in the 20s. Strong winds were expected to accompany this system, pushing wind chill values below zero in these areas. The Southern Plains were expected to remain in the 40s on Saturday.
Out West, a trough of low pressure pushed a cold front over the Pacific Northwest and continued pulling moisture onshore with it. This was expected to kick up more rain showers with high elevation snow showers likely in the Cascades. The tail end of the frontal boundary was expected to sweep through California, bringing light rain showers to the coasts and interior valleys. Light snow showers were expected in the Sierra Nevadas by Saturday evening.
Temperatures in the Lower 48 states Friday ranged from a morning low of -18 degrees at Flag Island, Minn. to a high of 82 degrees at Opa Locka, Fla.
Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/weather/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_weatherpage_weather
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Friday, 10 February 2012
Why are we even calling it ?Health Insurance?? | RedState
Insurance (n): financial protection against loss or harm:?an arrangement by which a company gives customers financial protection against loss or harm such as theft or illness in return for payment premium.
So, the Obama administration has just announced that all employers will henceforth pay for birth control medications and abortifacients. Setting aside the (substantial) conscience issues that many religiously-motivated employers have with this government compulsion, how exactly is this even ?insurance??
Consider traditional forms of insurance, such as fire, flood, or life insurance. When someone buys these types of insurance, they are protecting themselves against catastrophic financial harm from an unanticipated, unambiguously disastrous event. Nobody would wish a fire or flood on themselves, and by pooling resources, millions of insurance policy holders spread the risk of such events so that everybody pays a little to ensure that nobody suffers the full impact when it happens to them.
In this light, what we are calling ?health insurance? is not health insurance at all. It?s more of a purchasing pool which gives people the right to consume certain goods and services paid by a third party. I can?t think of any other product we buy this way. Imagine paying a flat fee to Safeway for the right to pick up our weekly grocery haul (perhaps with a small co-pay at the cash register) ? and calling it ?food insurance.? Even stranger ? imagine having your employer pay that fee on your behalf as part of your compensation package. Double down on strangeness ? imagine the government organizing purchasing pools for people who can?t afford ?food insurance,? setting standards on what employers must pay for in their ?food insurance? policies, etc.
When you buy groceries, you buy only what you need; you economize by comparing prices across brands and stores; you pay attention to the quality measures that matter to you, such as taste and freshness. Suppose, instead, you knew that you?d be paying $50 regardless of what was in your cart. You might load up on expensive meats and packaged foods, and blow past the plain-tasting generic aisle. (Even if you didn?t, you can bet your neighbor will. So you might as well, right?) To hold down costs, the grocery store might stop carrying premium brands; or it might impose controls, such as no more than two visits per month, and approval by a dietary specialist as a condition to enter the expensive deli section. What do you suppose would happen to the availability, quality, and cost (the real cost, not the out-of-pocket co-pay) of groceries if this was how they were paid for? (Hint: it?s exactly what has happened to health care.)
Getting back to the new Obamacare mandate: Obama?s HHS has decided that our so-called ?health insurance? policies must cover the cost of birth control and abortifacients. I may have found the explanation. In March 2008, candidate Obama famously offered the following remark at a town hall meeting. Speaking about his daughters, he said: ?If they make a mistake, I don?t want them punished with a baby.? (That phrase ? ?punished with a baby? ? is very revealing.) Perhaps this new mandate finally provides a rationale for calling it insurance. It makes sense if you take the view that a pregnancy is nothing but a disaster against which one should take precautions, and a baby is merely a financial catastrophe against which one should be protected.
Source: http://www.redstate.com/toothpick/2012/02/09/why-are-we-even-calling-it-health-insurance/
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